Tears of happiness instead of pain. 5
Tears of happiness instead of pain. 5

Tears of happiness instead of pain. 5

The project is carried by
Started: 26.03.2021
Kyiv reg.
Totally raised
36000.0 UAH
Total goal
36000.00 UAH
Egor was born prematurely, immediately suffered jaundice, then there was resuscitation. Doctors still managed to stabilize the boy's condition, and he was finally discharged home. But at home, young parents realized that their son does not develop like other children. Analyzes and consultations with doctors made it clear that Yegor’s nervous system and cerebral palsy were damaged.

The boy began to be treated, but there is always not enough money for permanent rehabilitation: the boy’s mother is on maternity leave, and the father’s wage is simply not enough. But thanks to our support, Yegor nevertheless undergoes the necessary treatment, and already boasts of the first results: the baby can already raise its head and hold it a little, pull up its arms, bend its legs for itself and utter sounds and bring out words. Egor tries to crawl and learns to drink from a cup, before his hands were clenched into fists, and now the boy is trying to take various objects.

This is incredible progress! We are very happy about such successes of the boy and really want him to become healthy and his tears were only from a feeling of happiness. Therefore, we are starting a new fundraising for Yegor’s new rehabilitation course. Support us!

Earlier at UBB, we had already raised funds for Egor. You can view the previous project by the link.

Tears of happiness instead of pain. 4

Tears of happiness instead of pain. 3

 Tears of happiness instead of pain. 2

Tears of happiness instead of pain


Full name: Myronenko Egor, 26.04.2018
City: Citi village, Kyiv region
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
ID: 6982
Andrii Dotsia
18.05.2021 08:30
851.75 UAH
Игорь Просто
18.05.2021 07:23
366.60 UAH
Іван Василиків
18.05.2021 07:23
10.18 UAH
Charity donation
17.05.2021 23:51
81.64 UAH
Charity donation
17.05.2021 23:48
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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