Rehabilitation of children through sports during the war
Rehabilitation of children through sports during the war

Rehabilitation of children through sports during the war

The project is carried by
Started: 02.04.2021
Totally raised
4463.0 UAH
Total goal
4463.00 UAH

In Ukraine, low involvement of children and youth in physical activity and sports, as well as deterioration of their physical and mental health have been identified. The conditions for physical education and sports are underdeveloped, and there are restrictions for children and young people with disabilities to engage in physical education and sports. In addition, the overall health of children and youth has deteriorated since the start of the full-scale invasion, especially in terms of mental health. In particular, school performance has deteriorated, and anxiety disorders, pessimistic outlook on life, sleep disorders, and appetite problems have emerged.  Since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, children's health has been worsened by limited or no access to sports infrastructure; destroyed sports infrastructure; lack of security, the threat of shelling, constant air raids; uncontrolled exercise and imaginary presence in class. The rate of disability among children also remains high.

Caritas-Khmelnytsky UGCC does its best to organise meaningful sports activities for its wards, even in times of war. After all, children's sport plays a great social role: it gives boys and girls a chance to release aggression, use excess energy, and learn to interact with teammates. In our opinion, cycling is one of the best types of active recreation for restoring a person's physical, emotional and psychological state. Optimal daily physical activity ensures a balanced and complete body function. It increases resistance and vitality, and normalises the functions of all organs and systems.

For several years now, our foundation has been running a cycling club, which provides for the maintenance of bicycles and cycling equipment, group rides, walks and competitions for children from families in difficult life circumstances, families with many children and families with low incomes. In our cycling club, families can use bicycle equipment free of charge.

 We already have several bikes, but they are not enough, and there are no bikes for children with disabilities at all. That is why we appeal to everyone who cares about the physical development of our children and their mental health to support our initiative to purchase the necessary equipment.

UPD: the name and text of the project have been updated. Old project name: “Sports for all – health for everyone”.

ID: 6990
Уляна Бичишин
14.02.2025 19:05
15.00 UAH
Уляна Бичишин
04.02.2025 10:45
15.00 UAH
Уляна Бичишин
02.02.2025 23:46
15.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.01.2025 11:31
200.00 UAH
Уляна Бичишин
02.01.2025 23:42
15.00 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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