Such important skills!
Such important skills!

Such important skills!

The project is carried by
Started: 20.07.2023
Totally raised
53500.0 UAH
Total goal
53500.00 UAH

Pavlyk was born with a weight of only one and a half kilograms. The boy was not breathing, so the doctors had to resuscitate him. However, due to temporary oxygen starvation, negative consequences remained:Pavlusha had cerebral palsy and severe visual impairment. For Pavlyk, the sequence of daily events and their predictability is crucial. For him, it is an indicator of safety and a guarantee of tranquility.

Suddenly, everything collapses! Instead of a trip to school, there is a trip down the stairs to the basement. Instead of birdsong, there are sirens. There is more darkness than light due to light masking and power outages. From the very beginning of the war, Pavlyk stopped sleeping at night, and then daily vomiting appeared.

Since then, during the past year, Pavlusha and his parents have left Zaporizhzhia and then returned four times so far.The shelter was chosen in such a way that rehabilitation courses could be taken at the same time. Thus, last summer fate threw the family to Greece. Only rehabilitation was planned, but the doctors insisted on urgent orthopedic surgery to lengthen the tendons. Because they did not have time to grow together with the bones, and the muscles were in constant tension. Because of this, there was constant pain, the joints were deformed. At the time of the examination in Greece, one of the boy's legs was already shorter than the other.

The results of the operation are amazing! Pavlyk's parents will never get used to the fact that they no longer need to carry their son in their arms. For the first time in recent years, he is leaning on his legs and moving with support. Pavlyk really likes to stomp his feet! Moreover, mom and dad are incredibly happy when he does!

Constant rehabilitation is the only thing that will help prolong the effect of the operation. Therefore, we are opening a collection of 53,500 UAH for the rehabilitation course. Pavlyk's family needs help now more than ever. The difficult life during the war was compounded by the serious illness of the boy's only grandfather. Now the family has to fight for the health of two relatives at once.

Please support Pavlo! Help the boy to move with his legs, instead of sitting in a wheelchair!

Full name: Pavlo Bohdan, 08.08.2012
City: Zaporizhzhia
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, blindness
ID: 8870
Charity donation
11.09.2023 19:15
38402.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.09.2023 09:24
35.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.09.2023 17:19
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.09.2023 16:22
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
06.09.2023 00:22
250.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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