Warm House for Dasha
Warm House for Dasha

Warm House for Dasha

The project is carried by
Started: 24.10.2016
Lugansk region. Stanitsa Luganskaya
Totally raised
10150.0 UAH
Total goal
10150.00 UAH

Dasha Dmitrenko is 12 years old, she lives with her grandmother in the Stanitsa Luganskaya in the street, which located 500 meters from the contact line (grey area). Despite her age, Dasha knows, not by hearsay, about night attacks and life in bomb shelter. In 2014, during the firing of the village Dasha’s grandmother Anna Kuzminichna got a serious shrapnel wounds to the legs, and now she moves only with the help of a cane.

Over the last 2.5 years the house where Dasha and her grandmother live was hit twice. The result of one of these attacks was seriously damaged the roof and the windows of the house, the boiler was broken, the furnace heating was completely destroyed, water line and electrical wiring were demolished. Anna Kuzminichna was in despair, because they don’t have any relatives in Stanitsa. To the aid came of one of the International humanitarian organizations working in Stanitsa Luganskaya. They helped old woman to restore the roof and ceiling, glazed the windows.

However, to survive the winter they need repair furnace heating, electric wiring and water line, buy electric stove and water heater. Anna Kuzminichna tried to put the furnace by herself, but could not, as this requires special skills and materials.Taking into consideration the monthly income for their family is 1250 UAN. To buy building materials and household equipment Anna Kuzminichna has no ability.

Today, the house is practically uninhabitable, but Dasha with the grandmother are continuing to live in it, as there is no new house in Stanitsa Luganskaya.

Dear donors! We ask you to show a sense of BELONGING and COMPASSIONATE to Dasha and her old grandmother, who in spite of all adversity, never lost HOPE and FAITH in good and helpful people that can help those who need help!

ID: 2605
Charity donation
04.11.2016 11:48
7320.00 UAH
Charity donation
04.11.2016 00:21
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.11.2016 22:27
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.11.2016 20:56
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.11.2016 14:34
700.00 UAH
All donors

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