Patient Maksym fights with an illness
Patient Maksym fights with an illness

Patient Maksym fights with an illness

The project is carried by
Started: 01.06.2021
Sumy region
Totally raised
29000.0 UAH
Total goal
29000.00 UAH

Despite the fact that the birth was difficult and lasted 32 hours, the umbilical cord twice wrapped around the boy's neck, but the baby was born and immediately screamed. However, on the 2nd day of life, the boy and his mother were sent to the neonatal pathology department due to a murmur in the baby's heart. In the hospital, an ultrasound scan showed a heart defect – a defect of the interventricular septum, an open oval window – and two cerebral hemorrhages. This is how Maksym’s drug treatment began. Subsequently, at three months, the heart problems resolved by themselves, and the hemorrhages disappeared.

Maksym ate well, slept well and gained weight, laughed, held his head and began to take toys in his hands. However, at the next examination, the neurologist noticed a tremor in the child's limbs, Maksym leaned weakly on the arms. The boy was recommended to take massage courses and exercise therapy.

When the boy was 7 months old, his physical development began to lag. And after a year, problems in mental development also became apparent – intelligence and speech. The MRI then showed the impression of areas of the frontal lobe of the brain. And at 2.8 years old he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Maksym started walking at a year and 4 months, but he was constantly falling. Now the boy is 4 years old, but he still does not speak, does not have self-service skills. However, he is a very active and positive boy, he loves to play with a ball, run and listen to music. Maksym is very patient, he rarely cries and gets upset. Doctors give good forecasts if the boy is systematically treated, but parents cannot cope with the financial costs of treatment on their own. They are asking for support for their son!

Help this patient boy get into rehab!

Full name: Zatuliviter Maxim, 14.01.2017
City: Okhtyrka, Sumy region
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy. Dystonic-atactic form. GMFCS level II motor disorders. Sensorimotor allele. Mild cognitive impairment.
ID: 7170
Charity donation
02.07.2021 15:11
234.01 UAH
02.07.2021 14:14
66.19 UAH
Charity donation
02.07.2021 12:58
305.88 UAH
Charity donation
02.07.2021 12:31
40.00 UAH
Анастасия К
02.07.2021 12:29
50.92 UAH
All donors

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