You can change the life of an orphan
You can change the life of an orphan

You can change the life of an orphan

The project is carried by
Started: 29.06.2021
Kyiv region
Totally raised
16000.0 UAH
Total goal
16000.00 UAH
11.10.2021 14:17
News about the project from ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! We are pleased to announce that this project has been successfully implemented. A detailed report can be found in the "Reports and documents" section. Thanks to everyone who supports us!
01.09.2021 13:44
We thank each of you
Олена Синиця Change one life – Ukraine, CF
We thank each of you
Dear philanthropists! We truly appreciate your contributions! You did not just make money transfers, you gave the child a chance to get a new life, to become a favorite daughter or son. Our team visited a orphan…
29.06.2021 10:20
Start of the project.
Виталий Ш.
01.08.2021 10:13
826.91 UAH
Charity donation
31.07.2021 19:29
1000.00 UAH
Дмитрий Емец
31.07.2021 13:43
203.92 UAH
Charity donation
31.07.2021 13:10
203.92 UAH
Charity donation
30.07.2021 21:44
60.00 UAH
All donors

Done - reports are ready,
the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Done - reports are ready

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