In search of clean water: I.-Frankovsk
The project is carried by
Started: 17.05.2012
Ivano-Frankivsk region
Totally raised
2000.0 UAH
Total goal
2000.00 UAH
16.07.2012 17:18
Ура! 12 июля состоялось первое мероприятие в рамках уникальной эко-социальной акции "В поисках чистой воды". Мы побывали в гостях в Городке Милосердия Святого Николая (Ивано-Франковская область), где участники эксп…
13.07.2012 20:15
13.07.2012 17:47
11.07.2012 19:28
Expedition “In the search of clean water” started in Ukraine
To clean the beach of the river in Kherson, paint walls in ivano-Frankivsk orphanage, create a map of clean water – and all these actions have been taking place only during 2 weeks.
“Reporter” joined to search cle…
11.07.2012 18:28
In the search of clean water! Day 1
At the start participants were divided into 2 teams with 2 cars each. They received their tasks and root for the 1-st day. On the way participants ask local people where they get water from. After they sample water…
Сергей Игоревич
11.06.2012 03:49
400.00 UAH |
Сергей Игоревич
11.06.2012 03:49
125.00 UAH |
Сергей Игоревич
11.06.2012 03:49
125.00 UAH |
Сергей Игоревич
11.06.2012 03:49
375.00 UAH |
Сергей Игоревич
11.06.2012 03:49
300.00 UAH |
Done - reports are ready,
the project is completed.
Thank you for your support!
Done - reports are ready