In search of clean water: Kherson
In search of clean water: Kherson

In search of clean water: Kherson

Started: 18.05.2012
Totally raised
143.0 UAH
Total goal
143.00 UAH
25.07.2012 17:00
Хоменко Владимир
СМИ о нас и об акции "В поисках чистой воды": Мэр Херсона добровольно вызвался собирать мусор, оставленный отдыхающими! Як у Херсоні річку Кошову рятували Добро возрождается в Днепродзержинске! …
22.07.2012 18:50
In the search of clean water: Kherson
Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace with volunteers, criminal-executive service of Komsomolsky district of Kherson city and TM «Barrier», children and pensioners have been saving the river Khosheva from garbage.
22.07.2012 09:44
In the search of clean water: Kherson, Sevastopol
Ecological expedition «In the search of clean water» and volunteers of the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace visited Kherson and Sevastopol. Local media couldn’t avoid telling about it. Video on the consequences …
17.07.2012 18:47
In the search of clean water: Kherson
The 8th day of expedition. Ecologists also visited our project in Kherson.
17.07.2012 15:02
In the search of clean water: Kherson
Powerful whirlwind of social event "In the search of clean water" went through Kherson. The most "vulnerable" is Korabel area - ecological division, as well as volunteers, cleaned absolutelly the coastal area of Ko…
Юлія Дмитрук
03.07.2012 10:51
20.00 UAH
Kuzya phool
26.06.2012 18:37
5.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.06.2012 14:54
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
25.06.2012 14:03
18.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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