In Sonya, a brain tumor
In Sonya, a brain tumor

In Sonya, a brain tumor

The project is carried by
Started: 01.04.2020
Kharkiv reg.
Totally raised
16789.0 UAH
Total goal
16789.00 UAH

Sonya is a very active and mega positive girl. Despite her diagnosis, she even now does not let anyone lose heart. Makes everyone smile. She knows for sure that everything will be fine. That she will withstand everything and become even better than she was before the illness. And it all started like that. In January, Sonia was seriously ill with SARS. Against the background of the disease, there was a weakness in the movement of the left half of the face, the left palpebral fissure did not close.

The girl was diagnosed with neuritis and was ruled in 5 neurological hospital in Kharkov for treatment. They did an MRI, the results caused a shock ... A huge brain tumor was found in the girl. As a matter of urgency, Sonya was sent to 4 ambulances to the Department of Neurosurgery, and from there to Kiev to the Romodanov Institute. There she was operated on, partially removing the tumor. After the operation, the girl was transferred to further treatment in the CSTO No. 1 of Kharkov.

Due to intracranial pressure, Sonia is still poorly seen. But she remains independent and tries to do everything herself: she goes to the toilet and shower herself, dresses herself and does not allow herself to help anyone. Everything is under control.

The girl was assigned a two-part protocol: 30 days of radiation therapy + 30 days of temodal 100 mg each, the second block of 6 courses of intensive administration of temodal 5 days (30 days) 320 mg each.
To support Sonya in treatment, we are opening a fundraiser for the purchase of 4 units of Temodal 100mg for a total amount of 16 789.68 UAH. This amount is large for the Burgalo family. All savings have already been exhausted, spent on surgery and subsequent examinations.

To bring treatment to a full recovery, the help of caring people is very necessary. Please support, Sonya!


Name: Burhalo Sofiia, 14/09/2009

City: Korotich, Kharkiv reg.

Diagnosis: Anaplastic astrocytoma (GIII) of chiasmal-hypotolamic localization with spread to the third ventricle of the brain. After surgical treatment 02/12/2020 – partial removal.

ID: 5985
Charity donation
02.04.2020 16:58
0.91 UAH
Charity donation
02.04.2020 16:46
821.00 UAH
Charity donation
02.04.2020 16:22
101.83 UAH
Дмитро І Анастасія
02.04.2020 16:20
71.37 UAH
Татьяна Грищенко
02.04.2020 15:32
265.10 UAH
All donors

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