Sonya has a brain tumor. 2
Sonya has a brain tumor. 2

Sonya has a brain tumor. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 05.05.2021
Kharkiv region
Totally raised
27243.0 UAH
Total goal
27243.00 UAH

Sonya is now eleven and a half years old. At her young age, she has to fight desperately with a fatal disease – a brain tumor. And it all started with a decrease in vision in both eyes, general weakness. Behind a complex operation, during which the tumor was partially removed. Then there was radiation therapy, after which Sonya's vision recovered slightly. The treatment did not end there: Sofia was undergoing chemotherapy blocks. In December, at the Institute of Neurosurgery, the girl underwent another operation - a bypass device was installed.

Postoperative everyday life is over, the girl has recovered and continues treatment.

Sofia is not discouraged, she knows that everything will be fine with her. As always, cheerful and full of hope for recovery. She is the only one of the children of the oncology department who, after the last three blocks of "chemotherapy", still has hair. The pediatric oncologist, with whom the girl was consulted, added Temodal blocks.

Soon Sofia will start another block of treatment, for which She need 6 pack of Temodal 100mg No. 5 for the amount of UAH 27 243. The financial situation in this family is very difficult and the girl cannot cope with this insidious disease without your help. Please support Sonya!

Sonia Burhalo's story is already familiar to UBB donors. Thanks to the support of caring people during the first stage of the camp, the girl received the drug necessary for treatment, for which her family is very grateful!

Full name: Burhalo Sofiia, 14.09.2009
City: town Korotich, Kharkiv region
Diagnosis: Anaplastic astrocytoma (GIII) of chiasmal-hypotolamic localization with spread to the third ventricle of the brain. 2.
ID: 7110
Charity donation
18.05.2021 14:31
3803.95 UAH
18.05.2021 13:10
206.72 UAH
18.05.2021 10:36
101.83 UAH
Charity donation
18.05.2021 10:21
125.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.05.2021 10:07
101.96 UAH
All donors

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