Andrii has a chance to recover from the disease. 2
Andrii has a chance to recover from the disease. 2

Andrii has a chance to recover from the disease. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 13.11.2019
Kiev region
Totally raised
21777.0 UAH
Total goal
21777.00 UAH

Andriiko was born a perfectly healthy boy. And he developed like all children, repeating words and imitating movements. He had fun responding to his mom, dad, and his older sister. But at the age of 1.5 years, parents noticed that something had happened to him. Andriyko stopped talking, responding and responding to the name. The toddler was diagnosed with a reactivated herpes virus infection. In addition, cytotoxic cell deficiency. Andrew needs treatment with strong antiviral agents and a long course of high doses of immunoglobulin. The baby has been undergoing treatment for five months and has already received four drops of immunoglobulin. 

Parents note a significant improvement in his behavior, the boy began to play with his sister, even began to say "mom". But the immunoglobulin preparation is very expensive. One dropper put by a baby costs about 25 000 UAH. In addition, other drugs that Andriyko also takes a month are about 28 000 UAH.

Andriiko enjoys playing cars, especially excavators, makes simple puzzles, plays with toy animals. He especially likes grasshoppers, giraffes, and has recently loved whales and dolphins. He can draw or draw a constructor with her sister. He joins her games if he is curious. He plays in the sand with her children. He loves cartoons "Three cats", "Mimimyshky", "Blue tractor", as well as children's songs, fairy tales "Kolobok", "Zhyharka". He loves football as soon as he sees in the stadium that the boys are playing football, he immediately runs there. There is a lot to write about his games and toys. The Melnyk family is not financially able to pay for such expensive treatment, so they ask the indifferent people for help to help them recover Andrii.

Earlier at UBB, we already raised funds for Andrei. You can view the previous project by the link.


Name: Melnyk Andrii, 25.06.2017

City: Hlevakha, Kyiv region

Diagnosis: genetic folate deficiency, cytotoxic cell deficiency: chronic reactivated mixed infection (HHV+TTV): psycho-speech development retardation

ID: 5599
Charity donation
27.12.2019 10:58
8485.91 UAH
27.12.2019 10:14
203.67 UAH
26.12.2019 22:31
101.96 UAH
Роман Доннік
26.12.2019 16:36
254.81 UAH
Charity donation
26.12.2019 13:45
203.92 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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