In anticipation of St. Mykolai
In anticipation of St. Mykolai

In anticipation of St. Mykolai

The project is carried by
Started: 29.10.2019
Totally raised
15001.0 UAH
Total goal
15001.00 UAH

Of all the holidays, the most secret and desirable among children is the holiday of Nicholas. Children are waiting for him with a special joy. There are children in our city who have worked especially hard to meet St. Nicholas: one has made the first steps at the age of 7 or started talking at the age of 6, the other has time to study at school and take care of five younger siblings; the third is malnourished every day and nowhere to sleep. But each of them found the strength to look at the world with joyful eyes and to encourage others, and someone also learned to pray... and not only for himself but also for the next "parents" who left him again in the orphanage or for his mother that "sold" her child. 

There are also children whose families find themselves in difficult life circumstances (crisis, low income, incomplete, many children). Although they have parents, very often they are out of work, many of these families have significant debts for utilities, some rent housing, they have no money for medicines, clothing, shoes or hygiene products, they have nothing to raise children for to school.

All of these children have their own stories, their accomplishments, which are sometimes difficult for us to understand, and sometimes difficult to hear! It is for them that we intend to collect gifts. These children do not know for sure, but sincerely believe that this day will be special for them. And yet, what unites them and us is our faith in our warm, kind hearts. Expectations of miracles from children can be seen in letters that are written every year to St. Mykolai. They genuinely believe in the Wonderworker, pray to him and ask for a small gift – and often not for themselves, but for a sibling. And who else, if not we, will create a fairy tale for children?

Caritas staff are working hard to see the smiles on their faces as often as possible. But sometimes we need your active participation, because what is a holiday without gifts and sweets ?! In order to realize the deepest dreams of these children, we need to raise 15 001 UAH. Helping us, as well as St. Mykolai, you can do a miracle here and now! We hope that you will become active helpers of St. Mykolai and together we will be able to create a real holiday for underprivileged children!

We sincerely look forward to your help!

ID: 5545
Charity donation
16.12.2019 15:44
9117.73 UAH
Charity donation
16.12.2019 15:03
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
16.12.2019 14:27
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.12.2019 17:19
51.01 UAH
Андрій Андрійович
14.12.2019 13:45
360.94 UAH
All donors

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