Give children life
Give children life

Give children life

The project is carried by
Started: 09.07.2020
Zhytomyr, Pokrovsk
Totally raised
67840.0 UAH
Total goal
67840.00 UAH

It is difficult to imagine a modern office, where no aspirator (aspirator). This device not simply facilitates the work of doctors – in the case of premature children it is indispensable. The reliability of the medical aspirator may depend on the success of the treatment and the lives of little patients, so it is important that this unit was in each office where care for babies. The Zhytomyr Regional Children's Clinical Hospital and the Pokrovskaya Clinical Hospital of Intensive Care are now in dire need of help.

Nursing small babies like the life of an astronaut in a long haul flight. It is necessary to accurately maintain the temperature and humidity of the environment. For this purpose, to protect the child's body from all sides of the crib – infant incubators – with double transparent walls and additional sources of heating. The temperature inside the incubator (36°-37° C) specified by the doctor based on the individual characteristics of the child, and then supported with very high accuracy – the difference of just one degree is dangerous not only for health, but for the life of the child. Kid lined with sensors, through which we monitor the most important parameters: heartbeat, respiration, blood pressure, oxygen uptake. This is done in order not to touch the child, not to disturb him. All parameters are displayed on the monitor screen and the doctor or nurse intervene only when they see that there is a deviation from the norm.

In most of the extremely premature lungs are small and immature. They are long enough is auxiliary ventilation. We prefer to use the machines, which not only prevent the child to make their own respiratory movements, but also intensify them if they are very weak.

Separate task – food. In the first days of life a small stomach can digest only a few milliliters of milk, so the nutrients are injected directly into the bloodstream via the hyperfine tubes.

In short, the path of development that the child had to go through in the womb, we help him to carry out artificially, simultaneously eliminating the factors that prevent extrauterine development. If the baby was born at the age of 22 weeks, it at least 14-18 weeks need nursing. But if it hurts, the healing process may take several months.

Modern aspirators help doctors to control the fluid from the nasal passages of the baby and is an indispensable equipment in the work.

The name of the project has been changed. The old name is "Open the door to life".


ID: 6202
10 UAH
18.11.2021 20:42
29605.79 UAH
Charity donation
15.11.2021 00:46
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.11.2021 11:57
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.11.2021 13:29
70.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.11.2021 07:21
100.00 UAH
All donors

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