Heal baby souls. 2
Heal baby souls. 2

Heal baby souls. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 13.03.2025
Still needed
164075.00 UAH
Total goal
165375.00 UAH

2 weeks in Kharkiv under airstrikes, moving and a complete change of social circle caused a regression: Timur became afraid of loud sounds, repeated words less, understood speech worse.

Nikol came to Dnipro with her mother, father and grandmother from Lysychansk. Until February 2022, she did not speak, did not have contact with her peers, but the doctors pulled the diagnosis. The five days spent in the cellar did not improve Nikol's health.

Veronika has a rare disease, because of which the fifteen-year-old girl is afraid of society and does not go outside without her parents. The stress caused by the war triggered epilepsy and new panic attacks.

These are the stories of children whose parents turn to CF Pomogaem with a request to pay for sessions with a psychologist. All of them had manifestations of developmental delay, autistic spectrum, etc. until 2022. But the hostilities additionally affected their condition.

What is it like for a child with autism to move to another city, change housing, place of walking, social circle? What is it like to spend several days in a basement under shelling, if a child was afraid of even the hum of a washing machine?

Anxiety, sleep disorder, fear of loud sounds – all these words are constantly used by parents in conversations with us. And there is also development that needs to be stimulated, even in spite of the war. In order to develop cognitive abilities, speech, the ability to express their emotions and wishes, children with mental disorders need constant classes with specialists.

The financial situation of families of children with disabilities leaves much to be desired. If the family has the status of IDPs and is forced to rent housing, the problems are exacerbated.

It is to pay for classes with psychologists that we begin this fundraising. 10 classes cost up to UAH 4,500, and this is only a small part of the total amount of support a child needs. However, even this is a significant support for the family, for which we are extremely grateful.

"My daughter did very well, she was able to overcome her panic attacks!", – writes Marina, Veronika's mother.

"Psychocorrection seriously affected him! – says Olga, Oleksiy's mother. – He became better at fulfilling requests, learned gestures and even started using speech".

Let's help children actively develop, overcoming all obstacles! This amount is calculated for a course of 10 lessons for 35 children. Each of your hundred hryvnias is a new word in the lexicon, a night of restful sleep and a step towards adaptation in society!

ID: 10037

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
14.03.2025 16:25
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.03.2025 12:38
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.03.2025 08:53
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.03.2025 18:38
100.00 UAH
All donors
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