They survived the war again
They survived the war again

They survived the war again

The project is carried by
Started: 02.05.2018
Totally raised
9000.0 UAH
Total goal
9000.00 UAH

At the beginning of May Ukraine together with the whole world celebrates the 73rd anniversary of the end of the World War II. During the years of war, all the territory of Ukraine was occupied by the Natzis Germany. The losses of Ukraine were more than of Great Britain, Canada, USA, and France altogether and were more than third of officially recognized by USSR – today historians name the number of 27 million.

There are left very few of those who have a direct relation to this date. Among our elderly beneficiaries, there are 18 who remember and have something to say. The war broke and damaged their lives when they were kids. They remember occupation and evacuation, cold, starving and shelling. Each of them lost someone in this war. The one, who was older worked together with adults, trying to make victory to come sooner.

We are wishing to the children of war health, calmness, long life and peaceful sky! And we want to celebrate this day by giving them presents. The goal of the project is to collect 9 000 UAH for products for "children of war", who are under our care. Let's take care of elderly together!

ID: 4003
Charity donation
18.05.2018 22:51
163.20 UAH
18.05.2018 22:45
509.16 UAH
Charity donation
18.05.2018 21:47
20.00 UAH
Аксинья Бурлака
18.05.2018 17:23
10.18 UAH
18.05.2018 02:15
50.93 UAH
All donors

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