Save tiny twins-babies!
Save tiny twins-babies!

Save tiny twins-babies!

The project is carried by
Started: 23.12.2015
Dnipropetrovsk region
Totally raised
101845.0 UAH
Total goal
101845.00 UAH

Do you remember the words of the song of Klyachkin: "Two girls, two daughters, two lights, two tremulous, illusory wings…?" It seems it is about these toddlers in the photo with transparent skin. It seems just blow – and they will fly away.They don't hold too tightly this world – too early they have met it. To cope, they need our help.

Lyudmila Sukhanova is 33 years old.For a long time she had dreamed and prayed for a child. Finally, the long-awaited pregnancy came. Ultrasound showed twins, and mother was doubly glad.But from the second month of pregnancy Lyudmila had to stay in maternity hospital because of pregnancy maintenance. One of the kids was located very low, pressuring the cervix, that could lead to premature disclosure.

Future mother got stitches, she was prescribed bed rest and a lot of expensive medicines. All the time Lyudmila was thinking about her kids and prayed for successful outcome.

But in the 22nd week, something went wrong – one of the stitches parted. According to doctors, the chances for pregnancy were too small, and they insisted on an abortion. Lyudmila with tears persuaded doctors to try to save the pregnancy. In order to maintain uterine there was fixed pessary, and pregnant women was transported to Dnepropetrovsk.

Lyuda did everything she could, to protect children. Maybe there was never on the maintenance such a mothers observing so strictly bed rest. But they were able to delay childbirth just for one month. In the 27th week during the medical examination woman's water broke, and there were born two tiny girls, weighing 970 and 990 grams.

The doctors made everything that was possible to save the life and health of babies.They have many chances for a normal development, but every day in the intensive care unit costs hundreds of hryvnia. Please help mother to pay all the bills! Now all Lyudmila's thoughts are concentrated on where to find the money to buy the medicines for tomorrow. In her life there is nothing more expensive than children.

For Sukhanovi babies the fundraising of 100 000 UAH is opened.


Name: twins Sukhanovi, born 24.11.2015

Location: Dnipropetrovsk region

Diagnosis: breathing disorders syndrome. Premature birth 27 weeks

ID: 1899
Charity donation
30.12.2015 13:49
90.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2015 13:47
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2015 16:18
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2015 16:17
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2015 16:15
505.00 UAH
All donors

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