Let's save the child's eyesight
Let's save the child's eyesight

Let's save the child's eyesight

The project is carried by
Started: 07.12.2020
Rivne region
Totally raised
12656.0 UAH
Total goal
12656.00 UAH

Illia is an active and lively boy. In early August, while playing on the street, he suffered an injury to his right eye. He did not say anything to his mother about what happened to him. A few days later, the family noticed that Ilyusha  bumped into objects at home. When the  mother looked closely, she saw a gray strip in her eye instead of a pupil. They immediately went to the local hospital, from there they were sent to the regional children's hospital in Rivne, where the boy underwent an operation, and the lens was removed. Then another hospitalization for removal of corneal micro-stitches, consultation in "OKHMATDYT". For more than a month, the boy underwent treatment – eye instillation more than 5 times a day.

In November, Illia  was with his mother for a second consultation in "OKHMATDYT". The doctors' verdict – the child needs an operation to replace the lens with the use of laser surgery, which is planned to be carried out in the capital's "OKHMATDYT", in the Center for Eye Microsurgery. This will help the child maintain their eyesight. But Illia's mother is not able to purchase the medical materials and lenses necessary for the operation. She takes care of three sons, whom she brings up alone: ​​14, 10 and 4 years old.

The boy's mother, Maria Alexandrovna, works at the school. She is an elementary school teacher and works with her little son a lot.  Illia speaks little, tries to put words into sentences and talk about everything. The mother, of course, guesses more about what her son wants to tell. The boy loves to draw and watch cartoons, he loves "Nu pogodi!". Himself turns on and off the TV. There is no kindergarten in the village where Illia lives.

The income of this family is modest. A woman asks to help raise funds and pay for a set for an operation to replace a lens for her little son. Illia really needs help!

Full name: Demkovets Illia, 28.08.2016
City: Perekalye, Rivne region
Diagnosis: Penetrating wound of the eyeball without a foreign body
ID: 6690
Charity donation
12.12.2020 00:03
2260.57 UAH
Charity donation
11.12.2020 23:59
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
11.12.2020 22:43
509.62 UAH
Charity donation
11.12.2020 22:25
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.12.2020 20:22
50.92 UAH
All donors

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