Health for Veronica’s legs. 2020
Health for Veronica’s legs. 2020

Health for Veronica’s legs. 2020

The project is carried by
Started: 01.09.2020
Totally raised
24600.0 UAH
Total goal
24600.00 UAH

Waiting for their desired child, parents planned the future. The awful diagnosis “spina bifida” did not break them down and they started their struggle for their daughter’s health. In her eleven years of age, Veronica has undergone eight surgeries. Three of them were very complex - in the spinal cord. This disease carries a number of comorbidities. Therefore, there are serious kidney problems, - hydronephrosis and pyelonephritis. They were followed by another operation, which unlocked one kidney, which was a bag of pus, and made every possible effort to save the second, the healthier kidney. 

After each of the operations the girl required a very serious rehabilitation. After each rehabilitation, Veronica felt much more confident, added strength in the legs and joints. The last operation was held at the Acibadem Clinic in Istanbul. Veronica was saved from the possible paralysis of  her legs. All the difficulties do not stop the girl from developing in different directions, though. She is actively learning to dance in a wheelchair, she sings, she even participated in an organized musical with her in the lead role and she succeeded. Her boundless love for sports and dances after the musical became a huge hobby for Veronica. This requires physical training and strong muscles of the back.

In the rehabilitation center "Step by Step", there is physical education and massage, and most importantly  hippotherapy, which is aimed at strengthening the dorsal part of the torso. The chance to improve the condition of the girl exists only if she undergoes a course of rehabilitation several times a year. This will give Veronica the opportunity to get closer to her dream. A healthy child can have many desires at once  to get a new gadget, toy, video game, but Veronica has one unchanging and only dream  to walk on her own two feet. Let us all together help to make this dream come true! 

Full name: Miroshnyk Veronica Yuriivna, 18.11.2008
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: congenital defect of development - Spina bifida, lower flaccid paraperesis.
ID: 6326
Charity donation
31.12.2020 17:01
13851.85 UAH
Charity donation
31.12.2020 16:59
500.00 UAH
Сергій та Марина Білик
31.12.2020 13:47
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
31.12.2020 01:54
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2020 20:48
203.92 UAH
All donors

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