Tanya's treatment cannot be stopped!
Tanya's treatment cannot be stopped!

Tanya's treatment cannot be stopped!

The project is carried by
Started: 05.07.2021
Dnipro region
Totally raised
100000.0 UAH
Total goal
100000.00 UAH

First-grader Tanechka Sheremet was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Parents alternately experienced shock, disbelief, fear for the life and health of their beloved girl. But I had to pull myself together, because long intensive chemotherapy is ahead, and they and Tanya need a lot of strength.

At first, the disease was disguised as ARVI. But except for a very high temperature (it rose to 41 and with great difficulty knocked down to 37), there were no more symptoms. No infection was found. In the end, a doctor from the Center. Rudneva suspected something was wrong and sent the girl and her mother to the CSTO. There they made a terrible diagnosis.

He has already completed one block of chemotherapy with Methotrexate. And it is planned to hold about four such blocks, and then a decision on further treatment will be made. Side effects of "chemistry" – nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, loss of appetite. It is very difficult for relatives to watch how their baby suffers.

During therapy, Tanya's blood platelet count dropped sharply. To help the body, expensive drugs Revolad are needed (the price is about 5000 UAH for 14 tablets) and Gemotran (about 300 UAH). You also need to constantly support the liver. And this again entails spending: Geptral costs about 1 000 UAH per package, Glutargin – about 200 UAH. For the intestines, Nifuroxazide (about 100 UAH) and Biseptol (about 80 UAH) are constantly needed.

In addition, due to a drop in immunity, the mucous membranes are attacked by a fungal infection. Painful ulcers form in Tanya's mouth, which make it impossible to eat. To combat the fungus, Amphomoronal was prescribed (price about 2 250 UAH). Tanya will need all these medicines for many months.

In mid-June, Tanyusha was allowed to go home to rest before the next stage of "chemistry". Appetite and general condition improved. Tanya could not get enough of her brother – separation from him affected. She became a cheerful fidget again. She was just annoyed that she could not, as before, walk in the park, go to the circus, chat with her friends.

At the end of June, Tanya started the second chemotherapy block. New expenses are coming. Only Tanechka's stepfather works in the family. Mom is on maternity leave, the biological father does not take any part in the life of his daughter. And Tanya's grandmother suffered a stroke and is now bedridden and needs care. We are opening a collection to meet the child's drug needs for the near future. Without our help with you, vital treatment will be suspended, and this cannot be allowed. Friends, let's help Tanyusha overcome a serious illness!

Full name: Sheremet Tatiana Ruslanovna, 05.07.2014
City: Novonikolaevka village, Dnipro region
Diagnosis: acute lymphoblastic leukemia
ID: 7267
Charity donation
12.10.2021 01:35
4294.76 UAH
Володимир Ш
11.10.2021 23:25
2000.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.10.2021 23:11
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.10.2021 22:42
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.10.2021 22:22
100.00 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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