Patient Maksym fights with an illness. 2
Patient Maksym fights with an illness. 2

Patient Maksym fights with an illness. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 25.10.2021
Sumy region
Totally raised
32000.00 UAH
Total goal
32000.00 UAH

Maksym's birth lasted 32 hours, the umbilical cord twice wrapped around the baby's neck, and on the second day after birth, the doctors heard noises in the boy's heart, found a heart defect and cerebral hemorrhages. This is how the story of Maksym began.

At the age of 3 months, heart problems and hemorrhages disappeared, but new ones appeared – at the next examination, the neurologist noticed a tremor in Maksym's hands. He was recommended to attend massage courses and physiotherapy exercises. Subsequently, when the boy was 7 months old, he began to lag behind in physical development, and after a year – in speech and intellectual development. He took his first steps in a year and 4 months, but he was constantly falling. And when Maksym was 2.8 years old, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Now the boy is 4 years old, but he still does not speak and cannot without help. Rehabilitation courses, including exercise therapy, classes with a speech therapist, acupuncture, various hardware techniques, etc., help to improve Maksym's condition. After the last such rehabilitation, Maksym began to understand more, became more concentrated and attentive. He learned to independently go up 2 steps, pronounce certain sounds, his body balance improved.

Maksym is a very positive, patient and persistent boy, and with regular treatment he has every chance to improve his health and be independent. Unfortunately, the boy's parents do not have enough funds for this treatment. Help him continue his rehabilitation and get to a specialized center for new treatment!

Full name: Zatuliviter Maxim, 14.01.2017
City: Okhtyrka, Sumy region
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy. Dystonic-atactic form. GMFCS level II motor disorders. Sensorimotor allele. Mild cognitive impairment.
ID: 7548
Charity donation
12.11.2021 10:31
22874.80 UAH
Charity donation
12.11.2021 10:05
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.11.2021 13:18
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.11.2021 23:21
200.00 UAH
ФОП Кулаков А.В. Кулаков Андрей
09.11.2021 16:46
300.00 UAH
All donors

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